Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Firepit finale!

Just realized I didn't show the end result for my new firepit! Here ya go!

Time for costumes!

I realize I'm really not good at posting on this little blog.... one day I'll have more time! Until then I'll just update here and there as I can.  :-)
So this week is Halloween! My oldest one is getting closer to not wanting to dress up. So sad for me! Her costume choices the last few years have been mostly store bought ones. My little one on the other hand has made challenging mommy's creativity into an art form the last couple of years! I love it though ~ no complaints here. This one is my horse lover and was in a horse and rider costume contest (in which both rider and horse need costumes) the week before Halloween for her second year in a row now. Of course, this costume choice has got to be completely individual and different from her actual Halloween costume!
Last year both daughters entered together the horse and rider contest together. The three of them went as the Flintstones! So cute!!
A week later the younger one went as a "Barbie in a box"! That costume almost got the best of me!
We've just completed this year's horse and rider contest a couple of days ago ~ first place for my little one! Honey (the horse) and my little one were a movie box of popcorn and a coca cola! Very original idea by my little one, I must say!
Now on to making the next one in preparation for trick or treating ~ a jack-in-the-box! Wish me luck ~~ I think I'll need it!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A new pool deck!

Well it has taken us about 4 half days and one almost full day,  but with the help of my Daddy we have a new beautiful pool deck! That is not much time considering we had a pile of kids running under foot most of the time! 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

One of those weeks... months?

Ever have one of those weeks that turns into one of those months until you feel like you're drowning?  I'm not sure why but about once a year it seems like a thousand projects come up, tons of things all break at once,  and all kinds of unexpected expenses pop up.  These times are the ones that you say to yourself where did all our savings go?!? How are we going to stay afloat while still taking care of all these things?  It is now more than ever that you need to kiss your babies,    stop to breathe, smell the roses,  and remember what is really important in life. Years from now are you really going to even remember how you got those things fixed and paid those bills... or are you gonna remember the good moments? That's how you know what it is that's most important in your life.  Take care of that first!

Friday, August 10, 2012

A Mother's How-To Guide to Annoying Household Repairs

Hello!  I am a stay at home mom who has recently found myself in need of a lot of repairs with not a lot of money.  At the same time my husband works much more than your typical 40 hour a week job, so he is not around much to work on his honey-do list.  I have gotten tired of looking at that list and decided to do something about it! The satisfaction of fixing something myself has proven to be priceless!  I hope the things that I have learned through perserverance (and a little trial and error!) will help you.  Let's get started!